Safer Together 2024

Safer Together 2024 - New and Improved!

In 2023, SJNA helped our members host 31 block parties, which had over 1000 people attend. The St. Johns NET Team came and presented short talks on disaster resilience, and there were games, lots of food, and most important, neighbors meeting neighbors, often for the first time.

This year, we have tweaked the approach. Just as we did last year, we can ...

Wait Wait - there's more! This year, we have a projector and an outdoor screen. We can help you show movies at your block party, or - just call it a neighborhood movie night.  (We even have a popcorn popper). 

We'll support you in doing whatever you like to bring your street or block closer together and help you be more resilient - and have a good time.

Check out Block Parties scheduled in St. Johns and Cathedral Park in the map below (Thanks Perrin!)

Do you think you might want to have an event on your block? Just leave your name and all that stuff below. Just takes a moment!